I was lucky enough to have parents who encouraged me and proudly displayed my childhood creations all over our house.  I never questioned that I would grow up to be a successful artist, though little did I know what an interesting path mine would be.

In art school, I studied extensively in many media and received a BFA degree from the University of New Mexico, with additional studies in drawing and painting at the New York Studio School, sculpture and glassblowing at Carnegie-Mellon University.

Following school, I pursued my dream of supporting myself as an artist. Over the next 20 years I established myself nationally as a ceramic sculptor making large, contemporary slab-built pieces. My work could be found in major galleries and design showrooms, museums and permanent collections both public and private. I was then using my maiden name, Carolyn Sale.

As the years passed, working with large clay pieces became increasingly challenging for me.  I wondered what medium might fire my creative juices with less physical stress.  That's when my husband gave me an introductory class in glass beadmaking as a surprise birthday gift.  Hooked from my very first bead, I set up a home studio and started learning something new.  

After working in glass for a number more years, I had the good fortune of meeting a silversmith who wanted to learn glass beadmaking.  Once again it was perfect synchronicity!  I taught him how to work with glass, he taught me how to work with metals.  And off I went, once again learning something new.

Today my studio is absolutely crammed with tools, projects and endless ideas.  I continue to try new techniques and push the edges of what I already know. Who knows where my next creative direction may take me!

About me